23 February 2011

Digital Pre-Raphaelite

Rossetti's Orchids

In 2008 I visited my brother in San Francisco. The first place we headed for was the Botanical Gardens, both being gardeners -- where else? These dainty blossoms were so white that the original photograph did not come out very well, so I decided to play with it in Photoshop.

After working from the negative, altering hues, adding textures and custom brushes, I felt that the image seemed to hail from a William Morris print or by one of the Pre-Raphaelite artists, such as Rossetti or Waterhouse. And the way the light acts in the negative format warms the entire piece. Sometimes moving into the realm of the fantastic works wonders for one's spirit -- hope you enjoy!

"Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye . . . 
it also includes the inner pictures of the soul."    
~  Edvard Munch

Available as a matted print; click here
Available as greeting cards; click here

18 February 2011

Small Studies

Color Study I
(gouache and ink, 6"x6" on Magnani Acquerello paper)

Available as greeting card  -- Click here
Available as a matted print -- Click here

Color Study II
(gouache on Magnani Acquerello paper, 6"x6")

Available as a greeting card -- Click here
Available as a matted print -- Click here

Color Study III
(gouache on Magnani Acquerello paper, 6"x6")

Available as a greeting card -- Click here
Available as a matted print -- Click here

(watercolor and gouache on 200 lbs. acrylic paper, 9"x12")

Available as a greeting card -- Click here
Available as a matted print -- Click here

working small, touching water to paper
colors creep seeking points to merge or not,
to blend or not.

scratch the surface,
stay with the clumsy gesture
for it is true.

outside whiteness falls
into puddles of black ice,
the sound of winter
no sound . . .

06 February 2011

A Rummaging Kind of Day

Enough is enough.  Too much snow and ice.  Too much white.  My soul craves color -- luscious, edible color!

So today I went rummaging through drawers, in dark corners where things are stashed from years ago, from times when one was just learning and yet hesitant to toss out those small fledgling paintings that helped spur the creative act yet seemed so elementary, so child-like at the time . . .

Well, I dug through those little guys and found I was laughing, mostly at the titles I had given them!  But the colors made me smile and counter-acted the grimness of what lay beyond the windows.  So I will share them with you in the hopes that they make you smile, too:

An Intense Pair of Pears

I can only think that this series was painted because I was hungry; must have been dieting for my daughter's wedding --

Available as a matted print; click here
Available as greeting cards; click here

Anjou and Bosch
Sounds like a law firm . . .

Available as a matted print; click here
Available as greeting cards; click here

Smokin' Java!
This was before high blood pressure hit; now on decaf, most of the time anyway  -- :-)

Similar to our "bad hair" days . . .

Available as a matted print; click here
Available as greeting cards; click here

 A Stormy Pair

Just look at those lewd colors -- what was I thinking???

Bouquet in Shadow

And with this painting, I leave you with thoughts of spring to come, of flowers and birdsong, of balmy breezes wafting through your hair, of an exquisite bead of sweat trickling down the back, of bare feet on a warm deck and a chilled glass of wine close at hand . . . ah, perchance to dream!

Now pardon me as I have to go back out there and chip away at a frozen driveway . . . ugh.

01 February 2011

Snow Journal Redux . . .

Another storm has descended with a second wave beginning later tonight of sleet and ice . . . here is my thought on winter:

"Winter: the pearled edge of lunacy"

. . . which is actually one of my bright orange day lilies inverted to negative with added textures.

Ironic, uh?

Off to shovel . . . the question is: where to put it all?

Just think -- we have at least 6 weeks left of this . . .