27 October 2011

Update on Creative Paralysis & Procrastination

So I've tried to follow what I wrote last week, trying to build up that "one thing" creative savings account throughout the week so that my weekends are relatively task-free.

Tuesday I did this one thing:

If you haven't heard about MOO cards, check it out -- it's fun, very user-friendly and you can't beat the price! I love the tips that other artists and marketers share. I will post a pic when I get mine next week.

Wednesday I did this one thing:

I have used this company before -- again, very efficient and easy on pricing: Documounts for custom-cut mats and backing, as well as a host of other accessories most artists need.

And today I cheated a bit -- nothing to help my art business but rather something to help my spirit. We all need that from time to time, don't we? I found Copper Canyon Press, a wonderful publisher of contemporary and international poetry. What I love about the site is that you can sample bits of poetry from the various books and then share them via email with friends and colleagues. Cool! If you download their catalog, you can browse through and read excerpts. That's where I found a backlist of Pablo Neruda's works -- excellent treat for such a wet and dreary day.

So now I've cleared the deck of "have-to-do's" and can devote that much more time to working on the art. I've still got so much more to do before the Hartford Open Studio weekend, but now I feel I've achieved a bit more balance by keeping the menial things off to one side.

Out of clutter find simplicity;
From discord find harmony;
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

Albert Einstein

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