02 August 2011

A Summer Evening with Twombly

Over the years how many artists do we encounter and fall into a deep, passionate love of their works?  Whether old masters or contemporary painters, I'm sure we have many -- or perhaps only a few that evoke such devotion.  For me, there are a few: Frankenthaler, Rothko, Turner, Inness, Matisse, Mitchell, Diebenkorn . . . 

. . . and Cy Twombly was one.  Only last month I stumbled on a wonderful short clip on YouTube -- Cy Twombly: the Lepanto Cycle -- of an exhibit of his work in Germany.  I replayed it over and over just to gaze upon the massive canvases, to listen to the amazing soundtrack that seemed to float and carry Twombly's images across the screen, a composition by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi.  Twombly created these twelve paintings for the 2001 Venice Biennale. 

The other evening while sitting in the garden watching flowers dance in the soft evening light, I was reminded of Twombly and decided to pay my humble respect --

watercolor, gouache, charcoal

watercolor, gouache, charcoal

A recent issue of RA carried a wonderful article about the exhibition of Twombly and Poussin at the Dulwich Picture Gallery in London, a combination that at first strikes one as a bit odd -- but it intrigues the imagination, without a doubt.

august evening
watercolor & gouache

There shall be eternal summer
in the grateful heart.  
~Celia Thaxter

May evening find you gracious and fulfilled.
May you go into the night blessed, sheltered and protected.
May your soul calm, console and renew you. 
a Celtic blessing



Seth said...

These are beautiful and a fitting tribute to Twombly.

Bridget Hunter said...

I'd never heard of Twombly so I'm very glad you've introduced him here. Such interesting work.As is yours.

Kelly M. said...

Seth -- Thanks so much for stopping by; and Bridget - so glad you were able to get to know a bit about Cy Twombly!

Linda Vincent said...

Always enjoy discovering new artists...and that includes you! Your 'Poppies' is delightful....I'd be very happy to hang that on my wall!

Kelly M. said...

Linda -- Thanks so much! It's funny how those quick sketches can be so satisfying as opposed to slogging away for hours, days aiming for perfection . . . how boring!

CERULEAN said...

Beautiful post and tribute to Twombly. And indeed an amazing soundtrack on You Tube. I do like your last three poetic photo's.
You know Twombly was a great photographer too?

Kelly M. said...

No, I didn't know that! Glad you stopped by and thanks for your compliment!