21 December 2011

It's Wide Open Now

It's wide open now.  My blog, that is.  Could be painting or it could move into another realm altogether, such as knitting, quilting, weaving -- even gardening when spring comes round again!

I have decided that this blog, as was originally intended, would be my space to explore and to share with others.  It should not be a space to sell my work.  I already have a website for my formal portfolio.  That is enough.  And I do not intend to immerse myself for hours on end between Facebook, Twitter and more blogs. After all, most fellow bloggers that I've come to know over the years are artists.  So it is sort of preaching to the apostles, as the saying goes. 

What have I been doing these past weeks to relax and find the joy once again?  Returning to the terrain of fiber in its many forms -- knitting, quilting, a little weaving.  Just trying to find a quiet space somewhere in the midst of this holiday madness.  Here's my latest attempt -- knitting cables.  Scary stuff, to me anyway.  I'm making neck muffs for my daughters using a Norah Gaughan pattern from Berrocco:

and big beautiful yarns by Gedifra, heathered and textured like a Highland moor --

I just have to finish off the edges, add some funky buttons and voila!  It's so good to feel something "grow" under your fingers; also to feel the rhythm of the needles and the yarn. 

So it may be art next week; maybe something else.  I can't guarantee anything.  Life is too short to limit oneself, and there's so much to explore, even the small, seemingly insignificant counts. 

I hope you'll stay with me and visit now and then.  But if you don't, that's o.k., too.


Eva said...

Good for you to rethink your intentions.I could do a little rethinking myself. Love your knitted pieces. I was never able to finish anything that I started.
Happy Holidays!

secretfragileskies said...

Merry Christmas Kelly.
Happy New Year!

Thank you for your always kind and encouraging words. I look forward to your new blog direction and posts...

nancy neva gagliano said...

of course i will!
it'll be nice to know more about you, and a good thing for you. i just did a post really just for ME, and i was hesitant, but ...oh well. in retro, i need to put the effort into making a little book on one of those sites...
i agree, i think selling should be in a separate place.

Kelly M. said...

Thanks so much for the encouragement -- one never knows if one's quirks will fall flat on its face -- !?!

Don said...

I'm with you. W i d e o p e n ! !

nancy neva gagliano said...

i know, kelly...like my vow to write something everyday on a blog i called 'one a day'....well, "the days dwindled down"....and i've forgotten all about it. the 'assignment' was too demanding. e v e r y day...not a good expectation for me.
all the best to you this year! with all that you do...nn

helen said...

I am inspired to get back to knitting!

Kelly M. said...

Many thanks, Helen! Yup, knitting can be quite relaxing, esp. when other creative blocks hit!