08 January 2012

Simple Gifts

Although the weather here is not too bad, warm actually in comparison to last year at this time, one misses color. If you're a gardener, this is about the time when we pour over seed catalogs, planning for the spring. Today while food shopping I grabbed a lovely little pot of yellow kalanchoe, which now sits in the kitchen overlooking the dirty dishes -- ah, well, at least it's in the sun! 

Trying to organize all my photos before the computer overloads and goes into a tailspin, I browsed through my flower pics -- Oh joy!!! So I thought I would share a few with you all, perhaps brighten your January afternoon --

There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.


Sharon said...

These certainly did brighten my day. They are all beautiful. That morning glory is glorious! Thank you.

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

These are beautiful photos...thank you. The yellow flower makes me smile!

Kelly M. said...

Sharon -- Glad you enjoyed the pics! And Mary Ann, yes, that yellow rose does make one break out into smiles!

nancy neva gagliano said...

and the heart
is made more grateful
"with a little help from our friends"

Kelly M. said...

Neva -- As always -- :-)))