I love the coastline and spent many summers on the beaches of Long Island, NY where I grew up. Not only summers but every season really and in all types of weather. Actually, Long Island is like one giant sandbar, as my Dad used to joke!
I'm not sure if it was the wide open spaces of the beaches or the vast skies or that thin scrim of a horizon line between ocean and sky that I loved the most. Or perhaps the dunes and the waves. In the midst of February, all these images and smells and sounds fill my head. These two works seem to evoke some aspect of those memories, yet in very different ways and methods --
Coastal Haze |
And this one was painted with oils on a thick heavy 200lbs. acrylic paper by Strathmore, which sold a few months ago at the Hartford Open Studio weekend.
Wetlands, Orleans MA |
In summer, the song sings itself.
~William Carlos Williams
I do not think the medium or the technique matters.. it is the outcome..the feelings conveyed that matter most.. for you it is your memories that is most important.
But how is that memory expressed? paper? paint? collage? oils? totally agree but still there is the execution of the communication itself, I believe.
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